Saturday, July 08, 2006

Monthly Review June 2006

One of the major themes of RPG theory this month has been the context within which we play RPGs, and how this context affects play. Early on, Thomas Robertson suggested that one of the limitations of play is fact that not everything can be shared and remembered. This requires constant effort to realign the understanding of different players. From another direction, Joshua BishopRoby remarks on how players use game texts, whether as products of writing that influence a game or processes designed for playing the game. A third context is discussed on Story Games, namely the tactile nature of a RPG imparting concreteness or abstraction.

This topic continues over the month. Thomas Robertson expands on his earlier ideas with four properties of different media in RPGs: permanency, synchronicity, delineation, and richness. He suggests that each of these puts distinctive pressures on how RPG play is conducted. Lastly, Carl Cravens suggests that RPGs are distinct from other theatrical activities because they lack a way to practice before play.

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